
Dynamic Perception - Introduction to Shoot Move Shoot Mode

This hands-on video shows how to create Shoot Move Shoot (also know as Interleave) time-lapses using the Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly and MX2 DollyEngine.

Link to 'First Time Out' Tutorial: First Time Out With The Stage Zero Dolly and MX2 DollyEngine

First Time Out With The Stage Zero Dolly and MX2 DollyEngine

This hands-on video shows the basics of using the Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly and MX2 DollyEngine.

If you're a new customer or thinking of buying one, you'll want to watch this! Several topics are covered, including using the system for basic video moves and shooting time-lapses using the continuous movement mode. We also introduce the tooth method, a rule of thumb for making time-lapse calculations easy.

Stage Zero Handleiding

De volgende video laat zien hoe de Stage Zero dolly in elkaar gezet moet worden.

Het is niet moeilijk om de apparatuur va Dynamic Perception te gebruiken. De website van Dynamic Perception bevat alle informatie die je nodig hebt om je apparatuur te leren bedienen. De volgende twee video's laten zien hoe je de Stage Zero dolly en de MX2 motion controller kunt gebruiken.

Announcing the Apertus Open-Source Cinema Project

Dynamic Perception and the Apertus Project have teamed up to produce the first fully integrated camera and motion control system. Together we will expand the capabilities and tools available to filmmakers everywhere, while pushing the envelope in creativity and openness through open-source electronics and hardware.

Aangekondigd: Dynamic Perception Stage One slider

Dynamic Perception heeft vandaag haar lang verwachte "Stage One Dolly" systeem aangekondigd. Het is de missie van Dynamic Perception om voordelige en gemakkelijk te gebruiken fotografische motion-control systemen te maken. Ons doel is om creativiteit en experimenten mogelijk te maken met behulp van open en zorgeloos werkende hardware, firmware en software. Opgericht door de makers van de OpenMoCo open-source motion-control systemen streven wij ernaar om flexibele en uitbreidbare kits te maken om elke motion-control behoefte op te lossen.

Dynamic Perception nanoMoco hardware and software - a first impression

In my last post called "Introduction to time lapse photography" I explained the basics of time lapse photography in combination with a automatically controlled Dynamics Perception dolly. The use of a time lapse slider gives you the possibility to control the motion of your camera in one linear direction. But what about controlling the pan and tilt axis of your camera? Or when you want to rotate your complete subject while you are creating a time lapse sequence?

Introductie in time lapse fotografie

Veel mensen die mij kennen zullen wellicht denken; Wat moet hij toch met time lapse fotografie? Ik sta bekend als onderwater fotograaf zoals je kunt zien op mijn persoonlijke website. Mijn fascinatie voor time lapse fotografie begon twee jaar geleden. Tijdens een internationaal fotografie festival gaf ik een lezing over duiken in koud water. En op dit festival bleek ook Neil Lucas een producent van de BBC te aanwezig te zijn. Hij toonde de indrukwekkende time lapse films die gemaakt warden voor de bekende BBC serie Life. En daar begon het voor mijzelf.

Nikon D700 high speed exposure ramping with ISO shifting - Maasboulevard Rotterdam

I have mentioned the technical aspects of exposure ramping with a Nikon camera before on my blog. The has resulted in a lot of work for me the last month. The result is a ramping solution that works on both Nikon and other brands like Canon. The video that you see on this article is the first real outdoor test of my ramping solution. You are seeing the Maasboulevard, one of the main roads that bring you into the center of Rotterdam.

nanoMoco connector board

nanoMoco break out board

Today I received these PCB's in the post. I designed these myself. That was a difficult road since I had never done this before. Electronics is a hobby of mine, but designing and producing my own boards was always something that I tried to prevent. In the end it wasn't that hard. The board is designed with Eagle, a software package that is free to use for small non commercial boards. The boards were produced in China. The only drawback of that is that you have to wait six weeks before you get your results back.

Fly by Wire - a Nikon exposure ramping test

I gave an elaborate explanation about timelaps exposure ramping in my last blog called Bulb ramping with a Nikon dSLR - The technical story. I am very interested in exposure ramping timelapse photography. These are movies where you for example see a sunset while the exposure of the movie stays more or less the same. My previous blog describes a solution for a problem that Nikon camera's have when you use them for this complex technique. I now have developed a device that can be used to automatically exposure ramp timelapse movies. The ISO of the camera, shutter speed and in the very near future the aperture of the camera will be automatically set by my timelapse controller.
